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永豐金證券股份有限公司 | 台北市重慶南路一段二號7、18、20樓 | TEL:0800-038-123 | 02-6630-8899 (台股營業日 8:00 至 21:00)
113年金管證總字第0044號(永豐金證券) | 111年金管期總字第007號(委任期貨商永豐期貨) | 所有投資研究報告由-永豐證券投資顧問股份有限公司版權所有,未經授權,禁止轉載節錄
建議最佳瀏覽器瀏覽: IE9.0以上、Chrome、Firefox、Safari,最佳顯示模式1024*768
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本公司客服專線:02-6630-8899 (台股營業日:AM 8:00至PM 9:00)
『如您為歐盟地區居民,本公司遵循General Data Protection Regulation之隱私權聲明詳如連結之檔案,謝謝。』
Privacy Protection Statement
Our Commitment to Your Privacy
SinoPac Securities (“SinoPac” or “the Company”) respects your privacy. In accordance with Taiwan’s Personal Information Protection Act, SinoPac is committed to maintaining the security, integrity, and correctness of any personal information it collects. The Company will not use any personal information unless there is a specific business need. There is a link to this Privacy Protection Statement at the bottom of the SinoPac Securities Website homepage.
Information Collected by SinoPac
SinoPac collects personal information provided by the client, including addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, ID numbers, bank information, general background and identification, etc. Clients can see their personal information collected by SinoPac when they log into their account on the SinoPac Securities website.
How SinoPac Uses Your Information
Collection and use of personal information are limited to the specific purposes and usage permitted by the competent authority, Taiwan’s Personal Information Protection Act, and other related laws and regulations. SinoPac will not disclose to any third parties the personal information you provide without your consent or authorization, unless it is otherwise stipulated in laws and regulations, required by competent authorities, or in accordance with our contract and/or agreement with you.
Information Protection
To keep your information confidential, complete, and accurate, we strictly adhere to Taiwan’s Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws and regulations. We have installed a high security firewall and intrusion prevention and anti-virus systems to protect your information against illegal intrusion from unauthorized persons or destructive malwares. Company personnel with access to your personal information are required to keep your information confidential. They take mandatory training courses about personal information protection and have signed non-disclosure agreements on customer information. Should they breach the non-disclosure pledge, they will be subjected to punitive actions in accordance with related laws and our internal regulations.
Information Sharing with Other Financial Institutions
SinoPac might share the personal information you provide with Financial Information Service Co., Ltd., or other domestic and overseas financial institutions for business or risk management reasons. The third-party entities might collect, process, and use the personal information you provide to conduct their business as expressed in their registered business items or in their company statutes, or for other specific purposes, in accordance with Taiwan’s Personal Information Protection Act.
SinoPac’s Use of Cookies
To optimize our service, we might use cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data stored by the browser onto your electronic device when you access a website. A cookie’s data is only accessible by the site that set the cookie. SinoPac uses cookies primarily to improve the user experience of our website. Most cookies are valid for a fixed period or for a single session only. Cookies do not contain enough personal information for other people to contact you via phone or email. You may use functions in your browser settings to find out when cookies are set or to block cookies from being set.
Maintaining Data Accuracy
SinoPac is committed to maintaining the security, integrity, and correctness of any personal information it collects. A list of your personal information collected by the Company can be accessed by logging into your account. SinoPac strives to ensure that your personal data is accurate. You should notify the Company immediately if you notice any inaccurate or outdated personal data. SinoPac will verify your identity and make the necessary changes.
Contact Us
For questions regarding this privacy statement or other issues, please contact us at the following:
Customer service line: 02-6630-8899 (08:00-21:00) on Taiwan business day)
Customer service email: service.sec@sinopac.com
『Notice to EU residents: SinoPac complies with the General Data Protection Regulation. Please see the linked file for details』
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